Andreas Fasoulides
Born in Famagusta of Cyprus on 4 of June in 1962.
He graduated from the Technical Faculty of Limassol in the sector of Metal and metal welder . His first step on ceramics made on Costas Michailidis ceramic workshop ” MEONHS ”
In 1985 take courses for ceramics from Professor Valentinos Charalambous organized by the Center of Productivity of the Ministry of trade and industry.
From 1987 up to 2000 he worked as a self-employed in his own Ceramics workshop called “Floga Pottery”.
At the same time he designed and manufactured professional Ceramic Gas Kilns.
From 1997 and for many years he organized courses of pottery in Kaminaria that were financed by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
In May 2004 he organized the European Ceramic Pottery Workshop in Kaminaria in collaboration with the EKATE under Cyprus Parliament to celebrate our entrance into the EU. At the same time the last three years he participated in the European Programs for Adult Education with Socrates as a representative of the Folk Culture Center in Omodos.
From 2005 he worked in the Education Centers of Limassol as the instructor of Ceramics, and Wood carving.
In 2009 he created a ceramic boat 2 m long in collaboration with Constantino Michaelides and
placed it at Livadia primary school .
Founder of Renewcy Low tech Workshop for developing Solar Cookers in Cyprus.
In June 2010 Andreas was employed from Soula Christou ( Mosaic- Collective shop) working
with mosaics and setting up an e-shop.
In 2010 he trained in the Woodwork profession in Cyprus Productivity Center.
In 2011 he worked experimentally with Dr. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno Archaeologist in order to
remake bronze age pottery from Pyrgos. Since then he practiced in this sector and became a
professional on remaking ancient pottery.
EDUCATION in Technical School of Limassol on Pipe welder for Liquid and Gases.
Till 2016 had the chance to study in deep Material Engineering and expatriated on European
Funding Programs .
In 2015 he organized the 1st Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in
Cyprus 2015 working with ERASMUS INTERN students.
He also became a Host Entrepreneur for Erasmus Internships and for Erasmus for Young
In 2016 he organized the 2st Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in
Cyprus 2015 working with ERASMUS INTERN students.
In 2017 he organized the 3rd Experimental Archaeological Ceramic Workshop and a traditional
pottery project ‘’Pithos’’ in Geroskipou Municipality .
Also he established the ” Routes of Clay ” in Geroskipou Municipality.
In 2018 he organized the ” Silent Artouch ” project for disabled persons.
Also the 4th Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in Cyprus.
In 2019 he organized the 5th Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in
Cyprus 2019 working with ERASMUS INTERN students in Troodos Geopark.
2019 Environmental research – experimental and educational workshop ancient ceramic
pottery. From 24 to 30 June 2019 and 1 until 7 July 2019 In the area of Trozena – Gerovasa
near Arsos.
2019 Kallena project in Arsos.
2019 certified on social entrepreneurship vocational education on INNOVENTER (h
2019 certified as a professional trainer at ESTIA GNOSIS ( /)
2019 He create the Vocational Training Program for People with Disabilities as a member of the
He is a founder of TERRA ARTE social company with Maria Fasoulidou and Cristina Munteanu.
Also founder of SENCY INSTITUTIO a Social, Green and Culture informal organisation
dedicated to guide future generations towards a more natural and sustainable lifestyle.
He is a founder of ”Xarkis” culture Festival organization,
Also founder of Diatehnon Culture Center in Limassol,
My Projects: at 2019, 2020, 2021
● Gladecy
● Green Social Sustainable Development
● Πράσινη Κοινωνική Αειφόρος Ανάπτυξη
● Andreas Fasoulides Gallery shop
● Cocoon
● AF Online Trading
● Special offers with social and environment respect.
Tel.: 99539705

At the same time he designed and manufactured professional Ceramic Gas Kilns.
From 1997 and for many years he organized courses of pottery in Kaminaria that were financed by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
In May 2004 he organized the European Ceramic Pottery Workshop in Kaminaria in collaboration with the EKATE under Cyprus Parliament to celebrate our entrance into the EU. At the same time the last three years he participated in the European Programs for Adult Education with Socrates as a representative of the Folk Culture Center in Omodos.
From 2005 he worked in the Education Centers of Limassol as the instructor of Ceramics, and Wood carving.
In 2009 he created a ceramic boat 2 m long in collaboration with Constantino Michaelides and placed it at Livadia primary school .
Founder of Renewcy Low tech Workshop for developing Solar Cookers in Cyprus.
In June 2010 Andreas was employed from Soula Christou ( Mosaic- Collective shop) working with mosaics and setting up an e-shop.
In 2010 he trained in the Woodwork profession in Cyprus Productivity Center.
In 2011 he worked experimentally with Dr. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno Archaeologist in order to remake bronze age pottery from Pyrgos. Since then he practiced in this sector and became a professional on remaking ancient pottery.
In 2013 he graduated from DEPARTMENT OF SECONDARY TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION in Technical School of Limassol on Pipe welder for Liquid and Gases.
Till 2016 had the chance to study in deep Material Engineering and expatriated on European Funding Programs .
In 2015 he organized the 1st Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in Cyprus 2015 working with ERASMUS INTERN students.
He also became a Host Entrepreneur for Erasmus Internships and for Erasmus for Young Entrepreneur.
In 2016 he organized the 2st Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in Cyprus 2015 working with ERASMUS INTERN students.
In 2017 he organized the 3rd Experimental Archaeological Ceramic Workshop and a traditional pottery project ‘’Pithos’’ in Geroskipou Municipality .
Also he established the ” Routes of Clay ” in Geroskipou Municipality.
In 2018 he organized the ” Silent Artouch ” project for disabled persons.
Also the 4th Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in Cyprus.
In 2019 he organized the 5th Experimental Archaeological Workshop on Ancient Ceramics in Cyprus 2019 working with ERASMUS INTERN students in Troodos Geopark.
2019 Environmental research – experimental and educational workshop ancient ceramic pottery. From 24 to 30 June 2019 and 1 until 7 July 2019 In the area of Trozena – Gerovasa near Arsos.
2019 Kallena project in Arsos.
2019 certified on social entrepreneurship vocational education on INNOVENTER (h ps://

2019 certified as a professional trainer at ESTIA GNOSIS ( /)
2019 He create the Vocational Training Program for People with Disabilities as a member of the regional committee of PANCYPRIAN DISABILITY RESTORATION ORGANIZATION
He is a founder of TERRA ARTE social company with Maria Fasoulidou and Cristina Munteanu. Also founder of SENCY INSTITUTIO a Social, Green and Culture informal organisation dedicated to guide future generations towards a more natural and sustainable lifestyle.
He is a founder of ”Xarkis” culture Festival organization,
Also founder of Diatehnon Culture Center in Limassol, My Projects: at 2019, 2020, 2021
- Gladecy
- Green Social Sustainable Development
- Πράσινη Κοινωνική Αειφόρος Ανάπτυξη
- Andreas Fasoulides Gallery shop
- Cocoon
- AF Online Trading
- Special offers with social and environment respect.

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