Andri Iona creates her work inspired by nature’s uniqueness and diverge wealth and colors.  Her ceramic sculptures are created with stoneware clay. The mystery and beauty of nature is the inspirational force behind her work. Clay becomes a connection between her creative process and the diverse power of nature. Ceramic sculpture often becomes a struggle, not only at the level of the material used but also at the level of an internal need to create an ideal relationship between shape, form and equilibrium.  Andri Iona completed her studies at the Camberwell University of Arts in London, and works at her own atelier since the year 2000. Andri Iona exhibited her work with two solo exhibitions at K Gallery in Nicosia and Gallery Kupriaki Gonia in Larnaca, in 2005 and 2009 respectively. She also participated in several group exhibitions at home (Cyprus) and abroad such as UK (London), Scotland, Greece(Athens), Malta and Italy (Sicily). Lastly she had a six page interview showing her work in 59th edition of the Art Reveal Magazine

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