Past Events
Annual Exhibition 2023
3rd November – 3 December 2023 – The exhibition “Re-Shaping Pafos: Myths, Tales…Cultural Treasures” the first of its kind in Pafos, featured some of the most creative minds in the field. The ceramists were called to re-shape and re-imagine Pafos and all the values, natural wonders, history, and cultural heritage that are synonymous with this ancient city. “Re-Shaping Pafos: Myths, Tales…Cultural Treasures” is an opportunity to explore the beauties, idiosyncrasies, contemplations, and ‘scent’ of the city through the eyes of a selection of talented ceramists and potters.
The participating artists were Anastasia Lampaski Onisiforou, Andreas Kattos, Andreas Fasoulides, Andri Iona, Vera Efthymiou Parlalidou, Despina Nicolaides, Leni Loizou, Elizabeth Nenarokov, Elina Chadjinicola, Zoe Mavrogenous, Constantinos Constantinides, Lee – Ann Raw, Leni Loizou, Louis Castan, Mary Pavlou, Maria Aloneftou, Maria Kyprianou, Mikey Christofinis, Michal Daniely, Michalis Koukkidis, Michalis Parpas, Mümine Yağlı Özdemirağ, Myria Nicolaidou, Nicos Katelaris, Oria Petropoulou, Urania Varnava, Panikos Nestoras, Petra Spyrou, Sonia Chatzivasili, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Toula Mala, Frosso Kapa, Fotos Demetriou and Charalampos Kouloumis.
The Makers Space is an exhibition and communal workshop space, tucked away in the hills of Tala, Pafos, near the Agios Neophytos Monastery. Since its opening in September 2019, The Makers Space has established itself as an important centre for local artists and ceramicists.
Click here to view the Exhibition Catalogue: Exhibition Booklet 2023

Actions within the framework of the Annual Exhibition 2023
Saturday, November 4th
- Plaster Mold Construction workshop for pressed and molded clay by the ceramist Fotos Dimitriou. Two – three hours duration.
- Demonstration of throwing a large vase on the wheel by the potter Nikos Katelaris.
Sunday, November 5th
- Continuation of throwing a large vase on the wheel by the potter Nikos Katelaris
10th April 2023: The third transnational meeting of the European project – Time4AC: Time4AlternativeCreativity in remote space – took place from the 5th to the 6th of October in Wroclaw, Poland.
This project aims to develop the following intellectual products:
A manual for institutions in the cultural and creative sector in the field of digitization of offers;
A short-term training course for owners and staff of local institutions in the cultural and creative sectors for the inclusion of people with sensory disabilities, and;
A manual of good practices for institutions in the cultural and creative sector for people with sensory disabilities.
For this, the project has different European partners:
Fold Kadry. Centrum badawczo – Poland (coordinating partner);
Fundacja Transgresja – Poland;
Larnaka Tourism Board – Cyprus;
Pagkyprios Syndesmos Aggeioplaston Keramiston – Cyprus;
Institute of Citizen’s Sustainable Development and Health – Greece;
The Agricultural-Ethnographic Museum of Aradosivia Elassonos – Greece;
Ctilg – Sign Language Translation and Interpretation Services – Portugal;
Union of Parishes Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom and Jovim – Portugal.
In this second meeting, the progress made to date of the aforementioned intellectual products was analyzed and the tasks to be carried out by the partners to complete these products were planned.
Cultural visits were also carried out as part of the project, planned as experiential, namely the cultural experiential visit to the Pan Tadeusz Museum to observe, as a good practice, given that it is an institution adapted to the needs of people with sensory disabilities; And a visit to the National Music Forum in Wroclaw

Digital enabler for older craftsmen’s businesses
April 6, 2023 – Participation of the association to an event co-organized by Magnetar Ltd and the Potters-Ceramists Association – Cyprus on the subject: CRAFTSMANSHIP FOR LIFE ART – CULTURE – DIGITAL BUSINESS
Εκδήλωση που συνδιοργάνωσαν η Magnetar Ltd και ο Σύνδεσμος Αγγειοπλαστών-Κεραμιστών Κύπρου με θέμα: Η ΧΕΙΡΟΤΕΧΝΙΑ ΔΙΑ ΒΙΟΥ, ΤΕΧΝΗ – ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΣ- ΨΗΦΙΑΚΗ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ
Annual Exhibition 2022
9th December 2022 – 28th February 2023: The exhibition of ceramic art CLAY: an imprint in time of the Cypriot association of Cypriot Potters was inaugurated at the Municipal Gallery of Larnaka on Friday 9th December and will continue until 28th February.
The curator of the exhibition is Ms. Nefeli Stylianou.
It presents the course of Pottery and Ceramic Art from tradition until today with the aim of showing the evolution of clay as a timeless means of expression. The exhibits include important traditional vases from the villages of Fini, Korno, and Agios Dimitrios and the work of 40 Cypriot potters and ceramic artists representing contemporary trends in artistic expression in forms, sculptures, and installations.
As part of the exhibition, our association also organized the 1st Cypriot ceramic art competition.
The judging panel consisted of Dr. Ioannis Iliadis, director of the Byzantine Museum of Nicosia, artist Popi Nikolaou, internationally awarded teacher of the Ministry of Education, and Theodoris Galigalides, ceramist and ceramics instructor.
The 1st prize was awarded to Elina Hatzinikola, the 2nd to Konstantinos Konstantinidis and the 3rd to Maria Kyprianou.
Commendation awards was also given to Photos Dimitriou, Michalis Parpas and Giorgos Mouzouridis.
On the 9th, 10th and 11th of December the CPCA also organized a seminar with various Raku techniques by Theodoros Galigalides and a seminar/demonstration of setting up and creating a bust by the Sculptor Panagiotis Pasandas.
Ceramic art as visual art is clearly included in the field of applied arts where the result of the production is the design and construction of objects in the immediate environment of Man. This means that ceramics is a unique creation where the clay craftsman makes original and unique objects.
Ceramics, as a genuine art, never submitted to the rules of another art. Endless hours of testing, experimenting, doubting, and long searching. Work of high aesthetics and techniques that can stand equally in an exhibition of contemporary sculpture, in a collection, in some random corners of a room in order to convey without commitment to the receiver-spectator messages of a way of human expression, thus leaving his imprint.
Click to view Exhibition booklet: Exhibition Booklet 2022

In the framework of the exhibition, the following actions were also carried out:
10th December 2022 “RAKU SEMINAR” At the “Katelaris Pottery” in Limassol, the Greek potter-ceramist, instructor Thodoris Galigalides presented various techniques of Raku such as horse’s hair, feather and naked raku. All participants left excited about the process and the result.

11th December 2022 “LECTURE” In the Municipal Art Gallery of Larnaka, the Hellenic potter-ceramist, trainer Thodoris Galigalides in his speech developed the topic “The necessity of classes in workshops due to the complete lack of education in the field of Ceramics by the state” and presented his work in slides.

11th December 2022 “CREATING A BUST OUT OF CLAY” A live presentation of the creation of a bust out of clay, by the ceramist/sculptor Panayiotis Pasandas took place at the Municipal Art Gallery of Larnaka was of great interest. The result was amazing!
Open Studios 2022

November 5 – 6: “OPEN STUDIOS” On the 5th and 6th of November, workshops of ceramists and potters all over Cyprus collectively opened their spaces to the public. Visitors had the opportunity to experiment with clay and learn about different techniques for free. The interest was great from both young and old.
The “Ceramics and Pottery Open Studios” was organized by the Cyprus Association of Potters and Ceramicists, with the generous sponsorship of the Deputy Ministry of Culture.
Clay Festival 2022
1st and 2nd October 2022: The “Clay Festival” event, which took place on October 1st and 2nd, 2022, at Limassol’s medieval castle square, was a huge success. The Pancypriot Association of Pottery and Ceramics organized the event under the sponsorship of the Municipality of Limassol and with the kind support of the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, as part of the Association’s activities titled “Clay Days October – December 2022.”
The event was attended by traditional and modern potters and ceramicists who are members of the Association. The aim of the event was to promote clay as a timeless material that has not only artistic expression but also historical significance for use. At the clay festival, pottery and ceramics were offered for sale, techniques of pottery and ceramics were demonstrated, demonstration of creating vases on foot and electric wheels and the making of a large clay vessel by the participating ceramists. Admission was free and the event was aimed for all ages. On both days, hundreds of young and senior people took part in our activities and experienced the magic of ceramic art.

Seminar 2019

Annual Exhibition 2019

13 December 2019 – 10 January 2020
Pancyprian Exhibition CERAMIC ART 2019 at the ENALIA Gallery in Larnaca
25 November 2018 Within the framework of the exhibition, a meeting was held with the renowned artists Anniska Klimesiova from the Czech Republic and Christos Tsimbourlas from Greece. A presentation was made by Andreas Fasoulidis, a member of the association, entitled “Silent touch of clay”.
Annual Exhibition 2018
24 November – 7 December 2018 Pancyprian Exhibition CERAMIC ART 2018 at the MORFI Gallery in Limassol

Ceramic Creation Day 2017
01 July 2017 Ceramic Creation Day for the public, outside the Pierides Museum – Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, where potters demonstrated the art of clay to the public, helping them to make their own vase
Annual Exhibition 2017
23 June – 10 September 2017
Pancyprian Exhibition «Earth mixed with Fire» at the Municipal Gallery of Larnaca

"KERAMEAS" Ceramic Exhibition 2013
2013: In collaboration with the Municipality of Lesvos and the Municipality of Minoa Pediada Crete
4th Cyprus – Malta exhibition 2012
2012: 4th exhibition Cyprus – Malta in Larnaca
Participants in “Grundtvig” workshops at the Leventio Museum
Demonstration in the 4th Cyprus – Malta exhibition
“Grundtvig” workshop – October 2012
“Grundtvig” Awards ceremony – November 2013
2015 Pancyprian Exhibition «A Bag of Clay», Municipal Gallery of Larnaca, with many parallel events, Lectures, and Workshops
Crete 2017 – 3 exhibitions Malta, Cyprus
Ceramic Exhibition in Bagheria in Sicily
Cyprus – Malta – Sicily
Two Exhibitions in Mytilene
Many Group Exhibitions – Larnaca, Nicosia, Bicommunal 2004

3rd Cyprus – Malta exhibition 2010
2010: 3rd exhibition Cyprus – Malta in Larnaca
Workshop with the French Ceramicist Elisabeth Le Retif.
28 & 29 February 2004: Elisabeth Le Retif demonstrated her paper clay making technique. With this clay the ceramic creations are much lighter than the usual clay.
She also demonstrated a baking and polishing technique in an improvised oven. The event was attended by Cypriots (Turkish Cypriots – Greek Cypriots) and foreign ceramists. As a result of the workshop Elisabeth Le Retif exhibited her works in a gallery in Larnaca.
The entire event was sponsored by the Ministry of Education, the Municipality of Larnaca, the Iliotropio Gallery, Mr. Haris Karagiannis and the Pan-Cypriot Association of Potters and Ceramicists
Many Group Exhibitions – Larnaca, Nicosia, Bicommunal 2004

European Programs
Cervive 2014
European Program 2014 – 2015
Cerare 2017 – 2019
Ceramica Viva

Participation of the Association
- in the Transport Committee of the Parliament for the copies of the Museum.
- in the Parliamentary Education Committee for the promotion of ceramics through government offices and embassies.
- in the Tourism Exhibition at the Exhibition and Trade Center with our Kiosk.
- in the Ceramics Festival in the “Melina Merkouri” Hall
- in the Festival – Panhellenic Exhibition 2017. Participation of a delegation from Crete
- in the Ceramics Festival – Larnaca Castle. Participation of two Greek Ceramists, a French Ceramist and the Cyprus Handicraft Service.
- in the Limassol Festival with a group exhibition in Heroes Square
- in the Larnaca Festival – Europe Square
- in the Kornos Festival
- in the Ceramics Festival – Heraclion – Crete
- in educational seminars – Margarites, Crete
- in the Demonstration of ceramic techniques – Heraklion, Crete
“Paper Clay” workshop with Elisabeth Le Retif – France
The Varnish in Ceramics. Reduction: Vignoli – Italy
Building a Pottery Furnace with wood fuel, Dominique Daloun – France
“Terra Sigillata Raku, Antonelli Rosana – Italy
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3 Νοεμβρίου – 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2023: Εγκαινιάστηκε στο The Maker’s Space στην Τάλα της Πάφου η ετήσια έκθεση κεραμικής τέχνης «Ανα-Πλάθοντας την Πάφο: Μύθοι, Ιστορίες…Πολιτιστικοί Θησαυροί».
Την επιμέλεια της έκθεσης είχε η κα Νεφέλη Στυλιανού.
Η έκθεση είναι η πρώτη του είδους της στην Πάφο, αφού θα παρουσίασε έργα από μια μεγάλη γκάμα αξιόλογων δημιουργών. Οι κεραμίστες και οι αγγειοπλάστες κλήθηκαν να αναδιαμορφώσουν την Πάφο και τις αξίες, τα φυσικά θαύματα, την ιστορία και την πολιτιστική κληρονομιά που την χαρακτηρίζουν. Η παρουσίαση αυτή ήταν μια ευκαιρία να εξερευνήσετε τις ομορφιές, τις ιδιοσυγκρασίες, τους στοχασμούς και το «άρωμα» της πόλης μέσα από τα μάτια αυτών των ταλαντούχων δημιουργών.
Οι καλλιτέχνες που συμμετείχαν είναι η Αναστασία Λαμπάσκη Ονησιφόρου, ο Ανδρέας Κάττος, ο Ανδρέας Φασουλίδης, η Άντρη Ιωνά, η Λένη Λοΐζου, η Βέρα Ευθυμίου Παρλαλίδου, η Δέσποινα Νικολαΐδου, η Elizabeth Nenarokov, η Ελίνα Χατζηνικόλα, η Ζωή Μαυρογένους, ο Λούης Καστάν, ο Κωνσταντίνος Κωνσταντινίδης, η Μαίρη Παύλου, η Μαρία Αλωνεύτου, η Μαρία Κυπριανού, ο Μάικι Χριστοφίνης, ο Μιχάλης Κουκκίδης, ο Μιχάλης Πάρπας, η Mümine Yağlı Özdemirağ, η Μύρια Νικολαΐδη, ο Νίκος Κατελάρης, η Ωρία Πετροπούλου, η Ουρανία Βαρνάβα, ο Πανίκος Νέστορας, η Πέτρα Σπύρου, η Σόνια Χατζηβασίλη, η Tatiana Vasilyeva, η Τούλα Μαλά, η Φρόσω Κάππα, ο Φώτος Δημητρίου, ο Χαράλαμπος Κουλούμης, και η Michal Daniely.
Το Makers Space είναι ένας εκθεσιακός και κοινόχρηστος χώρος εργαστηρίων, κρυμμένος στους λόφους της Τάλας της Πάφου, κοντά στη Μονή του Αγίου Νεοφύτου. Από τότε που άνοιξε, τον Σεπτέμβριο του 2019, το The Makers Space έχει καθιερωθεί ως σημαντικό κέντρο για ντόπιους καλλιτέχνες και κεραμίστες.
Κάντε κλικ για να δείτε τον κατάλογο της Έκθεσης: Exhibition Booklet 2023 Web